

Security Breached-- by laughter! Why is healthy enjoyment , and a knowing wink so hard to fathom for the (can I dare to say it?)--- SINGLE ISSUE FANATIC? ---

It's said by survivors that old papa Schicklgruber had precious little humor, and that Josip Djugashvili was likewise deficient in the laughing instinct. ( I recommend Wikipedia , if you don't recall the true names of these actual historic personages).

Here's the deal: All of us have heard all of this for a long long time, decades, even. We have all learned to sort of give the most agitated local obsessives, a little extra room on the sidewalk, and a little nod when we see them in the A&P. It was an amazing happenstance for ME , to go to a big Indian Point rally in 2002, where 3500 people, both local, and unionists marched in support of Indian Point (the numbers were reported by TJN as 750), while about 150 anti-nukes marched against the plant. Who should I see, setting up the antinuke sound platform, but my old piano player F***, from my rock'n'roll days in the 1970's, and we embraced, had a real laugh, and did a double interview for channel 12, where we explained that 2 people from 30 years ago had ended up on opposite sides of the Indian Point conversation. I remember F**** setting up a waterwheel at his house decades ago, and selling power to Con Ed (who were NOT amused), but he and his wife split, so he's an "Apartment Guy" these days. We disagreed, BUT WE HAD THE CONVERSATION.(and enjoyed it).

Since we always lived here, and always will live here, it is very important to keep the conversation open and alive. There's no special asteroid we can go to, to live out John Lennon's "Imagine". Wherever we live it out, its gonna have elements of real life, and local life in it. But then, along comes Remyc from Weston Connecticut via Paris and Soho, and Sherwood M from Kettering, New Carlisle, Derwent, Plattsburgh, and of late, flipping a house in Peekskill. No credentials, guys. No history, and apparently, no sense of proportion, or humor.

Before you use extreme language, and Neanderthal Blog techniques to upset the local lifeways, take a deep breath, calm yourself , and think: "Is anybody here, who knows MUCH MUCH more than me about this issue?" and then: "Is there anybody at all around here who is NOT in a paid conspiracy, who disagrees with me?" and again "How do I react appropriately when I meet up with these long term Hudsonites?" Or even "Has the local community begun to agree on this---without consulting me?"

In the meantime, I suggest you plant a few trees up on Dyckman street, the way it looked when I lived there in the 1960's, and try to get people to stop parking on the sidewalk. It's MY street too, you see. Or maybe go help those old ladies trying to plant that community garden next to the police station. They plant, it dies.... they plant.... it dies. (Sherwood claims to be a professional gardener, and an "activist")




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